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Defect "King Kong" HBT Caps
Defect "King Kong" HBT Caps
: $19.99
Sale Price: $5.99
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Product Description
The manufacturer goofed on some of the Army M1941 and M1943 HBT caps- these are all size 7 7/8+. (64cm+). They are all huge, bigger than most homo sapiens' heads- they might work for someone with their hair in a bun or for a helmet cover...?

Important Notes:
1. No size choice! There is nothing to choose- all are one size- "f-ing huge".
2. Can my Mom fix them? Actually, yes. Both the inner and outer bands must be removed, shortened then sewn back on. It will take trial & error to get the size right- probably an all day job. But it is possible...
3. Will we fix one your size and sell it to you for $5? No.
4. Can I shrink it in hot water or the washing machine? It won't do any good. The shrinkage is next to nothing.