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  • Helmet Covers

    German Helmet Cover Sizes

    Unlike the US "steel pots", German helmets came in numerous shell sizes. This is of no consequence on Heer and Fallschirmjager helmet covers which are are "one size" due to their draw cords allowing them to be adjusted. However, the covers worn by the Waffen SS were made in 3 sizes, each one fitting several sizes of helmet shell.

    We test fit each cover on their respective size original German WWII Helmets. The problem here is that there are several varieties of cheap reproduction helmets being sold now- most of which do not correspond very well to the original German shell size they purport to be copies of. Extra long visors, elongated shells, and high domes can make it tough to fit helmet covers on them. This is one of the downsides of buying cheap crap...we do not offer cheap custom covers to go with the dime store helmets.

    Since these selection of reproductions is ever changing, we do not have a conversion chart or any sizing info for the dozen or so repro helmets available at present. If you have a problem fitting a cover, the best option is for you to send your helmet to us and we'll see what can fit- that's a lot cheaper than exchanging helmet covers 2-3 times.

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