Heer Helmet Covers made from original Marsh 44 pattern HBT cloth. This material was found a few years ago in Europe and has been used to make numerous caps and uniforms, most, sadly, of dubious quality. Fortunately, we know how to do it right....
The pattern was made directly from original Heer helmet covers. I cut the parts from different panels of fabric to duplicate the shaded characteristics of WWII production items. The covers are then sewn together with the correct color thread and the correct stitch length. Unlike splinter covers, these do not reverse to white. One size, fits 62-68 shells.
Authenticity: Some collectors still insist there were never covers made in Marsh camouflage. Enough clearly factory-made originals exist to prove that wrong. I have encountered them in rayon and the coated poplin material used for the anti-gas suits. HBT no, but I would not rule them out after some of the wacky period items that have turned up. It's real material and they look great, so it's your call.
Discriminating/ Nitpicking: This fabric is 75+ years old. There may well be small stains, spots or snags. Most of it is in new or nearly new condition, but some minor fading may be evident. Also, as with original covers, the "raindrops" (green lines) may end up being aligned horizontally, vertically or slightly angled. This is simply due to how they covers were cut on the fabric- any which way is period correct.
