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Type 1 German Folding Shovel Carrier
Type 1 German Folding Shovel Carrier
: $49.99


Product Description
Type 1 shovel carrier. Rear detail. Shown with shovel in place. Tacticool option. Some German
troops carried one or two stick
grenades in the carrier.
New, quality copies of the "box top" 1st Type carrier for the WWII German Folding Shovels (Klappspaten). Our carriers are copied from an original, and have all the same details, down to the hand stitched construction. The hardware and pattern are identical to WWII.

Folding shovels appeared early in the War, and was a great improvement over the standard entrenching tools, but they both styles were issued and used until the end. Their issue appeared random and was not unit specific.

WWII maker marked and dated.
The bayonet won't work if I put the scabbard through the loop! That's right- why the German made them like this is unknown. If one uses a standard or mounted frog, they cannot use the scabbard loop on the carrier as it forces the bayonet up 2-3 inches too far.
The solution is to use the M43/Late-War/ SS frogs. Despite their many other names, the actual purpose for these frogs was likely to accompany these carriers. Of note, I carried one of these along with a bayonet for years and never use the loop or the other frog. It didn't matter.
18cm wide x 22cm tall.