Top quality reproduction of the holster for the German Walther P38 9mm pistols, made with pebble grain embossed leather. Made form genuine leather, hand sewn, with two loops on the back to allow it to be worn on belts up to 1.75 inches wide. The pattern for these was made from an original holster, and they marked with "P38" and "bla 1944" and WA stamps.
These do NOT look like reproductions sold anywhere else- as the photos show, these are extremely close to the authentic ones.
Fit/ Break-in: My P38 went in with minimal effort- but leather holsters are like leather shoes- they are a bit tight when new and will loosen up with use. Pistols do not go into new holsters quite as easily as they do with modern nylon holster.
Pistol not included.
What all fits in these here holsters? The never ending chain of questions on all holsters- what can one cram inside other than the pistol these were specifically designed for? (namely the Walter P38 pistol- see photo.)
P08 Luger pistol (just barely) Snicker's Bar Craftsman 3/16 socket driver Half a dozen ball point pens
How about other guns? Not so far. M1911's, HiPowers, Radoms, Glocks, Sigs, etc do NOT fit. This is made for a pistol with a slender barrel and the slides on most other automatics are too thick.
